





人類はある意味で地球の子供なのだ メインゲスト ダライ・ラマ法王14世
2018.11.17(sat.) 10:30-12:30(OPEN 9:30) @日比谷公園大音楽堂


ダライ・ラマ法王14世 ×イノベーター  アーティスト His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama × Innovators/Artists IMG

「we are one family」をテーマに、日本の未来を考えるトークセッションを開催いたします。


His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, will give a public talk on the theme 'We All Belong to One Family'. His Holiness likes to remind everyone he meets to pay more attention to the oneness of humanity and to see our fellow human beings as brothers and sisters.

The talk will be followed by a discussion between His Holiness and a collection of artists and cultural innovators. The focus will be on the creation of a fresh awareness of the opportunities available to the younger generation who will shape the future of Japan.




His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was born in 1935, in the Amdo region of Tibet.
At the age of two, he was recognized as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama.
In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his advocacy of compassion and non-violence around the world.
In 2010, he was awarded the Democracy Service Medal by the National Endowment for Democracy in recognition of his commitment to advancing the principles of democracy and human dignity.
In 2011, he was named one of the top 25 political icons by Time magazine because of his efforts to promote tolerance and peace in the world.
For more than 30 years he has been engaged in discussions with modern scientists; he is in regular dialogue with religious leaders working to promote inter-religious harmony, and he is actively involved in trying to create a more peaceful world for future generations. In 2016, he was top of the list of 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world in Watkins' Mind Body Spirit Magazine.

  • 17歳でNYコレクションにデビューし、一躍話題となる。

    Ai Tominaga started her career as a model at the age of 17 in New York becoming well know in a short time. For the next ten years she worked as a top model on the world’s top level of platforms. After that she moved to Tokyo and continued her career by working for television, radio and appearing in personal events. Being a super and unique model of Japan, she attends many charitable events and participates in activities that contribute to the social welfare of the community, and conveys the traditional culture of Japan both at home and abroad.

  • 1979年8月19日生まれ。東京都出身。
    2012年、長編映画「DON'T STOP!」で映画監督デビュー。同映画がSKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭にてSKIPシティ アワードとSKIPシティDシネマプロジェクトをW受賞。
    また『ULTRA JAPAN』のクリエイティブ・ディレクターや『STAR ISLAND』の総合プロデューサーを歴任し、世界規模のイベントや都市開発などの企画運営にも携わる。

    Kenji Kohashi was born in 1979 and raised in Tokyo. At the age of 8, he started his career as an actor and portrayed roles in various dramas, films and on stage. He quit his acting career in 2007 and traveled the world, and the experience from his journeys inspired him to start making films and organizing events. In 2012, he made his first film, DON'T STOP, which was awarded two prizes at SKIP CITY INTERNATIONAL D-Cinema FESTIVAL. In his career as creative director, he acted as Creative Advisor at ULTRA JAPAN and General Producer at STAR ISLAND. He not only the works on world class events, he also produces PR events and works on urban development projects.


タイトル ダライ・ラマ法王14世トークセッション
「ONE - we are one family -」
日程 2018年11月17日(土)
時間 10:30 - 12:30(OPEN 9:30)
会場 日比谷公園大音楽堂
言語 日本語、英語
主催 一般社団法人 知恵ゲツェ・リン文化交流
後援 ダライ・ラマ法王日本代表事務所
Title The 14th Dalai Lama’s Public Talk
「ONE - we are one family -」
Date November 17, 2018(Sat)
Time 10:30 - 12:30(OPEN 9:30)
Venue Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall
Language Japanese / English
Organized by Sherab Kyetsel Ling Institute
Supported by Liaison Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
(Tibet House Japan)
Mongolian and Tibetan Culture Exchange Support



【General sale】
Tickets are available from September 15, 2018, 10am on.
▷Reserved seat
One ticket is 4,000 Yen (tax included).
※Children under elementary school age are free of entrance but should be accompanied by a guardian, and the guardian has to have the ticket.



・If you have lost, damaged or forgotten your ticket, you will not be able to enter the venue. Tickets will not be reissued.
・If the organizers decide to cancel the event due to heavy rain or natural disasters, you will be informed through the official website.
・For security reasons, you and your baggage will be checked with using metal detectors and other means at the time of entry to the venue.
・Bottles, cans, plastic bottles, food and drink are not allowed inside the venue.
・Umbrellas are not allowed inside the venue. Please understand beforehand that a cloakroom or locker is not available at the venue.
・The organizers and the venue are not responsible for any accident or theft that occurs in or outside the venue.
・If someone does not follow the instructions of the venue attendants or disturbs other participants with disruptive behavior in or outside the venue, they will be asked to or might be forced to leave the venue.
・Once you entered the venue, reentry will not be permitted.
・Children under elementary school age accompanied by a parent or guardian with a valid ticket can enter the venue for free.
・Please come early because as a large crowd is expected.
・Smoking is not allowed inside the venue.
・If you come with a stroller or wheelchair, please follow the venue attendants’ instructions.

